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Get off your arse, and say hi!

12 Nov

I’m constantly told that I’m a social bird–a fact that I can’t deny. If there’s an event going on, I am there, or at least I’ll try to be there. Chances are on any given day, I’ve double or triple booked and will either hit all of the happenings or missed them all entirely. Look. A social bird needs nest time, too. I choose to embrace the social aspect of living. However, I know many that don’t and won’t and find socializing quite difficult. That’s a concept I don’t understand. It’s so easy to say hi to a stranger and strike up a conversation. Be like Nike and… Continue reading

The dark side of co-habitation: part one in a series

1 Oct

I’ve long been the person that would say “let’s just get apartments in the same building” regarding living with a mate.

In theory, it’s the perfect scenario. Separate living quarters for the alone time we all crave, with the convenience of living with in steps on your loved one. Seriously, talk me out of that one. Talk about guaranteeing  the longevity of a relationship.

image courtesy of http://essenceoflifechronicles.comYou add a baby to that equation, and suddenly my bright idea makes for a dysfunctional family waiting to happen. So fine. The boyfriend and I embarked on the Great Apartment Search of 2010.

Holy shitballs, Scoundrels. It’s one thing to search for a place on your own, but it’s a whole different animal to consider the needs, desires and whims of another.

I mean really. Who needs a dishwasher and AC? My fancy pants boyfriend, that’s who.

We finally found a place. After over a month of looking. Note: I’ve gone out looking on a Saturday morning and signed a lease by that same evening. The drama, stress and toll it takes on a person to search Craigslist on the daily for a flipping apartment is something that no one should bear. Especially for a month.

I have discovered that Craigslist is really only good for the Missed Connections listings and PNP (if you’re into that). Otherwise, it’s a cesspool of half truths and misleading location listings. GLENDALE IS NOT CHERRY CREEK, Craigslist. Glendale is a bed bug infested shithole.

In the end, I will say that we did find a great place, in our budget, with AC and a dishwasher and in the neighborhood I wanted. Plus, it’s 1,100 glorious square feet of newly remodeled (read no bed bugs) urban comfort. *sigh of relief*

I know I’m difficult. And as this series progresses, I’ll reveal more about how hard I am to live with.

For today, Scoundrels, tell me. Tell me your apartment hunting with a mate horror stories. Or tell me about how you breezed through the process and happily found the perfect place with no stress.

Although, I may put bodily injury to you up on a vision board if you come to me with that shit. Just sayin’.


16 Aug

Shut up! You do it, too.

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Let’s just start by saying Holy Fuck!!!! I can’t party like I use to. Sunday’s should really be my sabbath. When I was in my 20s 8 day benders were a walk in the park.  Now, in my30s, a Sunday of boozing, pooling,and bar hopping turns my Monday upside-down. Seriously, I’m hurting right now. Continue reading

From the broke files: It’s a pic-a-nic basket!

6 Aug

By Sara Downey
blogger for meanest look

As the summer winds down, I’m reminded of one of my favorite fair weather activities: picnics!  The true beauty of the picnic is that the you get to decide how much you want your meal to cost. Some picnics can be as simple as a baguette and some wine. Or you can do it old school and pack in some potato salad, chicken and watermelon. Either way, you set the price tag.

Even cartoon bears can appreciate a good picnic.

The flexibility also makes it great for dates. Actually, there is no more perfect date than an impromptu picnic. It’s so romantic to just grab your food and head to a park to sit under the sky and share a meal. Aww tender.

Wait just a minute, is that girl bear topless? What is going on in the world of cartoon bears where the dudes are wearing ties and #nopants but the  lady bears are topless? And what did they bring for their picnic? Is that ice cream? Boo Boo looks suspicious eating a whole carrot on a plate like that. Hmmm, I should have picked out a better picture.

Um, sorry, that was a bit off topic. Back to picnics. In summary, picnics are a great way to rock a budget friendly date. Cartoon bears confuse me.

Scoundrels, what do you pack for a perfect picnic? Also, how effed up were the cartoons we were watching as kids? My goodness!

Guest Post: I’m too old for this shit, too young to go to bed at 8

4 Aug

She’s a Girl with Glasses can’t be the only one out there in this predicament. Wait. Should I use the word predicament? I mean, we non-children-having-some-would-say-lucky bastards may be in the predicament. All I know is I don’t have kids. I’m one of the fucks she keeps referring to that goes out doing cooler things. Or so I think they’re cool. No. They are cool. Right?

Meet Girl with Glasses

A friend asked me the other day what I did on Saturday night. I think he was unimpressed with my answer: drank Diet Pepsi while watching canceled television shows on Netflix Instant Play, at the same time reveling in the silence of my sleeping children. What, that doesn’t sound like a wicked good Saturday night to you?

I never claimed to be the coolest duck in the pond (that designation would clearly go to Donald, because the guy can rock out without pants and no one, over a half century later, has had the nerve to bring it up to him), but I find myself less cool with every passing year. It’s difficult to be cool when you can never leave the house. The odd happy hour invitation or music gig must be weighed against the husband’s work schedule, appointments, how much sleep I managed the night before, whose car has gas, and the most recent time I conned my parents into baby-sitting. My husband works evenings, and so his few nights off a week have to be orchestrated: my time out, his time out, our time home together ignoring each other.

I’ve marveled at my single and childless friends and the amount of time they spend out doing far cooler things than I. I follow them on Facebook, through Foursquare, popping handfuls of M&M’s in my mouth as though I’m watching a movie. “Ohh, they’re at the Meadowlark now! I wonder who’s playing… Nice, after bar snacks the Denver Diner…” It’s both pathetic and reassuring, this night out while I wear my pajamas and take in season two of Veronica Mars for the tenth time. Maybe I’m not out in lipstick and doing that hip wiggle that comes onto me when I get a couple shots of tequila under my belt, but I can predict the photos that will be coming from my friends’ cell phones over the course of the evening.

I’ve never been the most outwardly social person as it is, so I didn’t have much in the way of a style to cramp when my kids came along. I saw all the Buffy episodes on their original air dates. I am a cheap drunk because I mostly never drank in bars. I found a rut and firmly implanted myself in it and– I don’t regret it. I have many friends who are parents, who regularly mourn the loss of their previous lifestyles. I secretly rejoice that I have a firm excuse to stay the hell home on a Saturday night. I can’t believe I’m the only one who prefers the idea of some streaming video, fleece pajama pants and snackfood in a quiet room over bar hopping or a party. I’ve been described as a homebody, but I think it’s more accurate to call me anti-social without the murderous implications. I’m lazy but without the sloth. I’m too old for this shit and too young to go to bed at eight.

I’m excited about next Saturday night. The husband and I save up new episodes of the Guild and watch them together, then he plays video games while I spend the night talking to my best friend, another mother who would much prefer to watch life outside her window than put on her pants and join it. We have our own little fishbowl lives, and dammit if I don’t like my wee treasure chest. Bubbles: mine.

Imma ’bout to own this weekend (question mark)

31 Jul

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By theVar
Blogger of StraightenMyTie

I woke up this morning with a renewed sense of purpose. What purpose you ask? How am I suppose to know. That’s why I’m coming to you.  Everyone seems to have these fab lives on the weekends. And me, I’m just sitting around playing with the dog, writing, watching tv, taking walks. You know. Boring stuff. When what I really want is to be a Weekend Warrior.

I want to start taking Denver–and the world for that matter–by storm on the weekends.  I’m at that time in my life when I should be owning this shit. I’m not talking about over-the-top, impressive bucket list. I want to do those things, or something like that, too, but let’s start small first. The problem is I can’t gauge small because I don’t have any idea of where to start.

So I’m turning to you Scoundrels.  How do you live as Weekend Warriors in your 30s? What are some things I can do to become that awesomesauce, god-like, Weekend Warrior I want to be?

Ignite? Try Explode!

28 Jul

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It was more like an inferno, and not just on stage. The incessant fucking heat was killer. But hey, that’s summer for you.

Ignite was a blast and we were super excited about how many of you came out to support us. Thank you so much!

Despite theVar’s IBS and nerve induced dry heaves, we made it through our presentation at Ignite Denver 7.  Not gonna lie, we were nervous as holy hell.  We got down backstage with some dance moves and that helped calm the nerves a little – but dayumn. That was a big stage. And we’re tiny.

Sport on the left, The Var on the right!

Now, I don’t want to be modest, so I’m just gonna say it. Scoundrels, we burned that bitch down!  We couldn’t have done it without your lovely faces in the audience and watching us online. Thanks again! For those of you who couldn’t make it out last night and missed the stream, we leave you with our favorite slide today.

The Dirty Thirty Dick Graph!

The Jonas Brothers. Baha hahahahahaha



Sport for theVar

To ID7 or Bust

21 Jul

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We’ve gotta tell ya. If we bust, we’re totally gonna cry. Not just a trickle. We’re talking about a full blown waterfall. We were informed that we made the cut and will be presenting at the Oriental Theater on July 27th. We want to see all of you Scoundrels there. Seriously. Buy your tickets now. RIGHT NOW DAMNIT! Just go here.  (Shameless Plug: We need you to come out. Mostly because no one else is going to think we’re totally rad and funny other than you.  None of you want us to look bad, do you?)

Did we mention there will be live music (The Compilers) at intermission, funny presenters like @2509, and a lot of cool ass people? All of this for just 5 bones. You heard us. Five dollahs. You really can’t shake stick at that. Oh, and you’re going to hear Sport say the most outrageous thing that has ever come out of her mouth. Hmmmm, well at least for those that think she’s innocent. So, yeah. Let’s rally and make Ignite Denver 7 the best night this city has ever seen. Go, go Power Rangers.

:) Hour Thank You!

19 Jul

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Scoundrels, you never cease to amaze us.

First, you take the time to read the blog, and now you’ve made our first Happy Hour a success!

We just wanted to take today to express how grateful we are. You’ve all gone a long way in helping us build a community and share an experience. For that, we are so thankful. Every time you read a post or leave a comment, you’re helping us build. You’re helping us connect. You’re talking thirty.

Sport, I don’t think I could  express my gratitude much better. The turnout was amazing. The blog viewing is amazing. The blog comments are, well, amazing.

Thank you to all of you Scoundrels that are making this happen.  We hope to see you at the TTTM Happy Hour next month.  Stay tuned!

A special thanks to Venue for being a sponsor and such a gracious host!

Here are some pics from Happy Hour. Enjoy!

Our amazing server, Jenny!

Aren't our readers pretteh...and drunks!

TheVar, Sport, and the talented Chef James Rugile. (He's totally swoon worthy!)

Holy, Mayo! She's effing rad.

Those Campari-Grapefruit Sorbet Sgropinno's were hmmm, hmmm, good. (CFP, Sport, Becky, TheVar)

Kyle, Jesse, and Dresden.

The deliciousness of Venue.

We even found new followers on the street! (TheVar, Holly, and Amy)

The love birds. (Sport & Mike)

From the Broke Files: My Top 10 List

14 Jul

Sport posted From the Broke Files a couple of weeks ago and it got me to thinking, mostly about how I’m financially poor, yet so socially rich. I’ve decided to share my top 10 list of socially rich activities that have sort of nudged themselves into my newfound 30s lifestyle.

  1. Going to a baseball game in the rain, eating hot dogs, and sharing a drink with a friend. (Free tickets, btw.)
  2. Impromtu photos shoots with photog friends in the park.
  3. Evening bike rides down the river front.
  4. Taco Tuesdays ($1 Tacos – In your face! Or, my face in this case.)
  5. Happy Hour with the TTTM Community.
  6. Thrift shoppping.  (I’m still learning how to do this. I’m queer. We like to shop. We’ll have more about this in a later post. Stay tuned!)
  7. Picnics and a game of bean bags in the park. *sigh*
  8. Volunteering. Project Angel Heart comes to mind.
  9. Ooooo, brainstorm sessions.
  10. Potluck brunches rooftop. Nom. Nom. Nom.

You see, there is so much that can be done without spending a lot of $$$. And, you betta believe, I’m going to live it up. I guess these are the joys of growing up and becoming comfortable with being yourself. Thank you, 30s.