Tag Archives: babies

Guest Post: Sick & Wrong? Possibly. Happy? Most Definitely

24 Sep

Today’s guest post comes to us from Jane, a TTTM reader and blogger of Jane’s Infinite Wisdom. To be honest, we don’t know much about Jane other than she has balls of steel. Jane submitted her post to give us a little glimpse into the life less ordinary. Thanks, Jane!

“Don’t be ridiculous. You’ll never get married. You’re one of those people destined for eccentricity, yelling at kids to get off your lawn!”

I don’t remember what I said to my best friend to illicit that response but I do remember it stung enough to be able to recall it nearly 20 years later.

image courtesy of http://engagements.ca

I think I tried to get married just to spite her. I spent most of my 20’s locked in a relationship even though it didn’t feel right and I lived my life as though I was already a suburban mundane despite the fact that he and I didn’t live together, or near one another for that matter, most of the time. Once the proposal happened and the wedding planning began in earnest though, I freaked out. I ended the relationship over the silliest possible reason and walked away with a sigh of relief. Had texting been available back then, I likely would have been one of *those* people. Fortunately, my moral standing was somewhat upheld in that I was forced to do it by telephone.

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And here’s Smokey!

23 Sep

Hello world! Meet Smokey The Bear The Person.

At least that’s what we’re calling the little one until he or she shows us the goods.


So the other day, we talked about life’s unexpected craziness. Well this one was a real humdinger. But we couldn’t be happier about Smokey!

We’re just probably not going to let Uncle Var babysit.  Um, yeah. Love you, Var.

Guest Post: So you want to be Mom of the Year

11 Jun

By Lorrie Spoering
Blogger of She’s A Girl With Glasses

Few people really have a handle on what having children will do to their lives. There are clear implications, of course: kids are noisy, messy and expensive. These are all true, but theory is so much more gentle than reality.

Having children is a little like introducing a hereto unknown creature into your home and being given only the most basic instructions on how to care for it– or, more realistically, how not to kill it. When our first child was born, my husband and I sat in the living room and stared down at her screaming face and both had the same thought: who the hell let us have a baby? This isn’t an original thought. Women come equipped with hands to hold and diaper and breasts to feed, and all those funny hormones and brain chemicals to do these things, but logic is not included. On her third night of crying and refusing to nurse, I tried to formulate a plan wherein I could give my daughter away without all the grandparents getting pissed off. My best friend has a similar story, calling her husband at work and asking if it would really be so bad if she put the baby outside. Just for a couple hours, she said.

You have no idea what you’re getting into. I stood in the middle of my destroyed living room, holding a squalling baby, unshowered, and looked at my trio of cats, wailing: “Why wasn’t I satisfied with you?”

There is no guide to caring for children, not really. There are handbooks of the obvious: feed them, don’t shake them, tell them you love them and try not to have a screaming melt-down in front of them too often. I do all of those things fairly well, and have watched many other women pull them off too. Where we all find ourselves adrift is when you get to the non-obvious, like how to react when your daughter decides to jam a spoon down her newborn brother’s throat because she’s helpfully “feeding the baby” or  your son drops his pants anytime he’s somewhere vaguely indoors to show everyone how far he can stretch his foreskin.

These situations are the ones that drove great women in the past to invent such things as playpens, pre-school and Long Island Ice Tea.

Learning to parent is nothing like learning to ride a bike. It’s painful, tedious and can result in more than just a skinned knee when you consider you’re in charge of shaping a whole new person and really doesn’t want to be the mother of “that girl on The Hills.” In this vein, most of the women I know with children have adopted a ranking system of what they can make themselves care about. None are exactly the same, but the basics seem to be similar, all of them centering around keeping them alive and relatively unfucked up. Specifics get thrown out the window. All you want to do is survive.

The larger they get, the more complicated kids become. Both of mine will be in school this fall, leaving me to collapse in my fainting chair and moan about how my babies have moved on while secretly plotting how I’ll be renovating their bedroom when they officially move out in fourteen years—anything to keep me from vodka at two in the afternoon.

I’m hoping things get smoother as they get older. I’m also realistic and know that my mother is reading this and rubbing her hands together, cackling like a witch on a mountaintop. I’m an idealistic person, but the mothers of teenagers get teary when I tell them about my son whipping his sister with a jump rope. “They’re so sweet at that age,” they bemoan, looking over at the lanky person in black who both wants them dead and a ride to the mall.

In the end, it’s about one goal: raising a human being you don’t want to back your car over. It’s been my vision of success, since my daughter first used the word “fuck” in context, to raise a child who, at the age of twenty-one, I actually like. So far, so good, I think. I admit, I’ve got a good long time to fuck up, to make my very own Heidi Montag– whose mother, I’m sure loves her plastic Barbie face just to death– but, if experience tells me anything, at least when my girl is famous for existing, she’ll do it with a stained shirt, the ability to curse creatively and tell people: “This is all my mom’s fault.” That will be a proud day in my life: my baby, in all her glory, making me drink.

Just like she does now. I win.